Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I am moving my blog to here from right here.

05.29.2013 moldy oldies

05.25.2013 for an April baby (a little late)

05.24.2013 for the road

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

 05.16.2013 Lab portal


 05.20.2013 monster pants





Tuesday, May 14, 2013

 05.08.2013 in progress for Gladtree

05.09.2013 AZ/DC (we had a good time this week)

 05.10.2013 working it

 05.12.2012 Luxury Comedy (ooo yeah)



 05.13.2013 Here we grow.

05.06.2013 Some loose costume designs for a play my friend Lisa has written.

05.09.2013 My landlady is pretty great.


Thank you Mr. Harryhausen.


Sunday, May 05, 2013

 04.28.2013 Auburn, MA

 05.01.2013 mom and dad sleep over

05.02.2013 AZ/DC make candles.




05.04.2013 Melissa St. Pierre

05.05.2013 Where my grandma would send my mom to make potholders with nuns.



Scout Cuomo
Gregory Euclide
Samantha French
Michael Gaughan - Golden Gate Bridge Jumper
Saya Woolfalk - Plant Alchemy