Saturday, November 28, 2009

smoking or non smoking

Have you ever watched Guy Madden's The Saddest Music in the World?

I think I might not be using time well.


Tim Abel said...

I loved that movie, and the glass beer filled leg. You can't go wrong with Isabella Rosolini and Mark McKinney.
p.s. You are the last person I would think of who isn't doing good things with your time. Keep sewing, or as Kinji says just work and stop thinking. I always took that to mean, stop being a worry wart. I know how you feel, though, that you could always be doing so much more. It's not going to stop I don't think, so just keep thinking that, but keep working just the same. Hope that doesn't sound too new agey.

Hello to You and Yours said...

I agree Isabella Rossellini and Mark McKinney so good! Glass beer filled legs seemed like such a terrible idea, but so attractive. I really love Guy Maddin's movies.

I agree I don't think it will stop but I'm okay with that (I think).

I hope you are staying warm in Chia town!