Tuesday, August 16, 2011


washing well 08.12.2011

ar and jg inside charcoal kiln 08.05.2011

in progress watercolor 08.15.2011

Josh collage 08.02.2011


I am not cleaver my laundromat is called the Washing Well.
(really I am not clever as my typo shows 09.03.2011)


ames anxious


"instead of saying watch your mouth i say watch your fingers"


My piece "All the Trappings: (s)wallow" was named one of the village VOICE's favorite art pieces at the Wassaic Project Summer Festival. Thanks to Jessie Henson for letting me know.

The Summer Exhibition is up until August 28th.
Gallery Hours: Saturday and Sunday 11 am - 5 pm
Maxim Mills
37 Furnace Bank Rd.
Wassaic, NY 12592

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